A to Z of American treats

Adel Rodricks

Cypress, CA, US


Here is an A to Z inventory on the most iconic american treats.
Did i have a sugar craving after this? You betcha! 🍬🍮🧁🍩🍪

Nate Padavick

New York, NY, US

Oh wow! Adel...your style is fantastic. That PopTart...my favorite flavor.
Adel Rodricks

Cypress, CA, US

Thank you so much Nate! My favourite flav too is the purple poptart =)
Salli S. Swindell

Hudson, OH, US

Adel I LOVE your fresh styling of each dessert! The line work is so fun. Twinkie and upside down cake are faves!! Definitely a delicious A to Z :-)
Adel Rodricks

Cypress, CA, US

Awww thank you! I had so much fun making this.