Kitchen Essentials A to Z!
Salli S. Swindell
Hudson, OH, US
Salli S. Swindell
Hudson, OH, US
Play Along: A to Z
Sue Gibbins
St. Helens, Merseyside, GB
Such a fun illustration with fab fresh colours and cute kitchen icons. I really enjoyed finding and figuring out the letters!
Deborah Choi
Chicago, IL, US
This is so fun and fresh Salli! I love the bright color palette.
Melissa Elliott
Los Angeles, California, US
Okay, I like to think I can find my way around most kitchen appliances and utensils, but a few of these have me stumped! "F" looks like a crock pot or a slow cooker, neither of which works..."V" is a scrub brush...and what the heck is "X"??? This is brilliant, by the way—not just the concept, but I love the colors, the lettering for the header, and all the little extras thrown in (coffee beans, cinnamon, cherry tomatoes, etc.).
Nate Padavick
New York, NY, US
Zest is the best! So is X. Never in a million years would I have considered NOT writing the word. Duh! So unnecessary, plus it makes the illustration way more engaging. I was compelled to figure out all the words! So smart.