The A to Z of Vintage Signs
Alex Savakis
Concord, CA, US
Alex Savakis
Concord, CA, US
I love old signs! I love the hand lettering and typefaces, the colors, the abstract forms and bold shapes, the bright neon lights. When I stumble upon an old sign I have to snap a picture of it for a few reasons: it could disappear overnight, they're creative and durable and they tell a story about the business, building, and neighborhood. I have a collection of photos of many old signs during cross country drives. Los Angeles, California, and Livingston, Montana, are just a couple of cities with treasure troves of old signs.
Valerie Hamill Illustrations
Bay Area, CAlifornia, US
I love this, your style and your idea! And of course, I love seeing Milk Farm!!
Nate Padavick
New York, NY, US
Oh wow Alex! What a collection. Circus Liquor! I know I've seen that one in person. All so good. Bowling alley signage...why is it always so rad?!