Z like Zucchini

Honey Gherkin

Berlin, DE


From A to Z with fruits and veggies. Collages created with hand colored paper.

Salli S. Swindell

Hudson, OH, US

GRAND FINALE!!!! Big round of applause to you on this amazing journey. It's a brilliant series.
Honey Gherkin

Berlin, DE

Thank you so much! It was fun and perhaps I continue with some other fruits and veggies....
Nate Padavick

New York, NY, US

Honey. You did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I greatly admire your dedication to this brilliant concept. It's truly a collection you should be very proud of. Job well done!!
Honey Gherkin

Berlin, DE

Oh, thank you! I am proud ;) and the concept works pretty well although I was in doubt sometimes.