Memory of a Sunset over the Adriatic
After watching the recent Illustrators Circle 'Abstraction Distraction' Zoom I wanted to recall a lovely memory from Italy. It was close to sunset and a group of us decided to start painting the Marche landscape before us. Over the course of 30 minutes the colours changed and melded with only the dots of distant olive groves remaining as a constant. This is how I image the transition to dusk could have looked as a series of abstract landscapes.
Melissa Lee @melissaleedesign
Placerville, California, US
Oh wow, I really love this.
Salli S. Swindell
Hudson, OH, US
Heartbreakingly beautiful! Exactly. I love seeing what happens when you play :-)
Deborah Choi
Chicago, IL, US
So very beautiful. ❤
Michelle Goggins
Ennis, MT, US
So beautiful! This is such an amazing way to capture the memories of your trip to Italy.
Nate Padavick
New York, NY, US
These are each masterpieces in and of themselves Ohn Mar! These washy colors are heartbreakingly beautiful.