O' Christmas Treats...

Jennifer Hines

Amsterdam, NL


A fun and festive riff of our favorite O' Christmas Tree carol, this cute illustration of Christmas treats, complete with puns, brings in the holiday spirit with a smile.

Judith Cheng

hobart, new york, US

love this, so clever
LeAnne Poindexter

Potomac Falls, VA, US

This is ADORABLE!!!
Jennifer Hines

Amsterdam, NL

Thank you so much! ;o)
Salli S. Swindell

Hudson, OH, US

Just when I think there is not possibly another holiday pun, here you are still making me smile with new ones! I love these little peppermints. Your lettering here is AMAZING! Thanks for the giggles :-)
Jennifer Hines

Amsterdam, NL

Thank you Salli, I'm so glad I could make you smile (that's always my goal). I'm particularly proud of this one! cheers!