Looking Ahead to Recharge

Renee Hopson

Bellbrook, Ohio, US


How do I recharge? One way is by visualizing what the future might bring. This is something that my mother would have me do when I was nervous about an upcoming event and couldn't sleep. She would tuck me into bed and start asking me questions about the next day'. She would have me imagine the weather, what we would eat, and how much fun we would have together. Focus on the positive and everything else would fall into place. Many, many years later, and I still practice this technique anytime I can't sleep because I'm anxious about the next day. Thanks Mom!

Nate Padavick

New York, NY, US

Me too Renee! This is really well said...and well drawn! Great play with scale and letters. The pop of red is perfect.
Renee Hopson

Bellbrook, Ohio, US

Thanks Nate! I love the Play Along challenges. I've set a goal to participate in as many as possible this year.