Roller Skate City Map

Yuki Uebo

Tokyo, JP


I illustrated a map of the fictional city of "Roller Skate City". This city is for people who love roller skating and designed to enable people to go anywhere while riding roller skates!
There is a roller disco in the center of the city, a national park where you can practice various tricks, and a massage salon for when your feet get tired.

IG : @yukiuebo

Salli S. Swindell

Hudson, OH, US

This is wildly fun and fantastical!! You've illustrated the skating moves so well. I would LOVE to hang out a
in Roller Skate City and watch everyone! I bet the music is amazing :-)
Yuki Uebo

Tokyo, JP

Thank you so much for your kind comment, Salli :D I drew this illustration while listening to disco music, imagining the people of this city!