Composting Bugs + Composting Story


Sarlat, Dordogne, FR


Once upon a time in the lively town of Greenthumb Grove, there lived a curious little worm named Wiggle Chucklestein. Wiggle Chucklestein was not your ordinary worm – it had a taste for humor and decay. With a twinkle in its eye and a penchant for punchlines, Wiggle Chucklestein brought laughter to every corner of the garden.
Wiggle Chucklestein loved to explore the vibrant garden, wiggling its way through the rich soil and discovering hidden treasures. One sunny day, it stumbled upon a bustling group of composting worms led by the wise Wormington. Intrigued by the mission to turn kitchen scraps and garden waste into nutrient-rich compost, Wiggle Chucklestein couldn't resist joining this eco-friendly crew.
As Wiggle Chucklestein learned the art of composting, it realized that Greenthumb Grove faced a growing issue – too much waste and not enough space. Determined to bring a smile to every face, Wiggle Chucklestein, along with its new worm friends, hatched a plan to not only educate the townsfolk about composting but also sprinkle a bit of humor into their lives.
Armed with jokes and a passion for the environment,